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How To Get a Good Night’s Rest

mindful living and our dogs Sep 20, 2018

Linda Blair studied psychology at Wellesley College and Harvard University in America, then trained as a clinical psychologist at the Maudsley Hospital (University of London). She’s worked in the NHS, for the Medical Research Council and at the Universities of Cambridge and Bath, and she had a private clinical psychology practice for 35 years.

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you get off to sleep well enough, but then wake up in the middle of the night and find you can’t get back to sleep?

If so, you’re not alone. According to the Great British Bedtime Report carried out by the Sleep Council, more than a quarter of us experience poor quality sleep on a regular basis, and over a third get only five to six hours of sleep a night—a figure that compares badly to the recommended seven to nine hours.

The good news is that no matter how sleep-deprived you feel, and no matter how long you’ve had a problem sleeping well, there are things you can do that will help you feel more rested straight away—changing your evening routine, learning to breathe in a way that relaxes mind and body, making simple changes to your bedroom. And even if you’re still having trouble after that, there’s a great deal more that can make a positive difference. You could for example, create a ‘worry notebook’ to take your concerns out of the bedroom, and/or use power naps to restore your vitality and alertness.

We’ll be explaining exactly how to use these—and many more—simple sleep remedies in our new course, 'Mindful Living and Our Dogs'.

Want to have a better night’s sleep? Then please do join us.

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