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#DogsInYellow Day: Helping Children Understand Dogs That Need Space

children and dogs dog safety living with dogs Mar 20, 2025

Dogs are incredible companions and family members - but just like people, some need a little more space to feel comfortable. That’s where #DogsInYellow Day comes in - a movement to help educate people (big and small) that when a dog is wearing yellow, they need space.

Most kids LOVE dogs - but, sometimes, their enthusiasm can be a little overwhelming for even the most sociable of dogs. So how do we teach children to interact safely and respectfully with dogs, especially those who need a bit of distance?

Creating a Safe Space at Home

If your family consists of both children and dogs, one of the kindest (and safest) things you can do is to create a dog-only zone. It's a safe space for your dog where they know they can retreat and won’t be disturbed. This could be a crate, a cozy corner with a dog bed, or even just a designated spot in a quiet part of the house.

Rather than just instructing your little people: “Don’t go near the dog’s space” (which could make it more tempting to do), get them involved in everyone following this instruction.

Get your craft stuff out (note the awesome creation our toddler made as the image for this post!) and help your children to create a “Do Not Disturb” sign for your dog's special area. They can decorate it with drawings, stickers, or even a photo of your dog sleeping. This makes them feel like they’re part of the process rather than just being told what not to do.

When kids understand that their dog needs a space to feel safe, it helps prevent them from disturbing them when they’re resting or feeling overwhelmed.

Always Ask First

One of the most important lessons for children (well, all humans)? Always ask before approaching a new dog. Not all dogs want to interact - some need space and time before they feel comfortable. Show your children it's good to start the conversation with "what's your dog's name?" instead of “can I say hello?”. Once they've found out the dog's name they can then ask if Rocco or Ruby might like to say hello or not.

And if the answer is no? That’s okay! We can remind our kids that dogs have feelings, just like people, and some days they just don’t feel like socialising.

Let Dogs Come to You

This is probably the most important one for your children to learn - instead of putting your hand out to a dog, let the dog come to you (only if they want to).

Model the right sort of approach for dogs to feel comfortable: looking slightly away - avoiding hard eye contact with the dog, keeping your hands down low instead of reaching out, and if the dog does approach allowing them a minute of sniffing time before you touch them. If the dog does seem interested in you giving them a stroke, show your child that the side of their body or chest are better places to touch than the dog's head.

This approach lets dogs feel in control and prevents them from feeling trapped or overwhelmed.

Throw Treats to Create Space

When meeting a nervous dog, it can help (if their guardian allows) for you to throw treats for the dog. This not only allows the dog to take the treat at their own pace, without the pressure of a hand in their face - but helps them feel more positively about your (or your child's) presence.

Of course, when teaching little humans, things don’t always go as planned. Case in point: our 3.5-year-old daughter knows this treat tossing trick for new dogs a little too well!

We were sitting in a dog-friendly café, and I handed her a treat to give to Chester (our dog). What did she do? In full-on toddler mode, she launched the treat across the room to another dog - who was doing an excellent 'settle' until that point 🤦

As I learned, when it comes to small developing brains - you have to be super specific with instructions. “Give this treat to our dog” needs to be very, very clear. 

Preparing for Life with Children & Dogs

If you already have a dog and are expecting a baby or adopting a child, start preparing early. If your dog isn't used to kids, arrange for short, positive interactions with calm children before your baby arrives, reaching out for support if your dog is anxious in these situations.

If your children can interact with your dog safely at home, they may be less desperate to say hello to every dog they see - as there isn't that sense of it being such a novel opportunity. But go slowly with this!

When our daughter was tiny (I mean weeks old!), we started with a simple practice: placing her hand in ours, stroking our dog while counting out loud, “1, 2, 3… stop.” Then we’d gently remove her hand. This way, she learned from the start that interactions had a time limit.

It was pretty amazing to see that as soon as she was old enough, she started mirroring it herself - stroking our dog and saying “1, 2, 3… stop!” without us even prompting her. Proof that kids learn through repetition and example.

Never Disturb a Sleeping or Eating Dog

This one’s non-negotiable for all children: never approach a dog when they’re sleeping or eating.

A dog can startle just like a person, and even the most gentle dog might snap if they’re scared or guarding their food. 

The Power of Yellow: Teaching Future Generations

The simplest lesson we can pass on? If a dog is wearing yellow, they need space.

This could be a yellow lead, harness, bandana, or vest - whatever it is, it means please give me room.

Imagine a world where people automatically recognised that yellow = space and adjusted their behaviour to dogs accordingly. Schools and nurseries should be teaching this just like they teach road safety - because it’s about respect, safety, and giving dogs a voice.

We can start that education at home by talking about it, pointing out yellow-wearing dogs, and reminding children that respecting a dog’s space is just as important as being kind to their friends.

Teaching children how to interact with dogs that need space isn’t about stopping them from loving dogs - it’s about helping them express that love for dogs in the right way. By making it fun, getting them involved, and leading by example, we’re raising the next generation to be thoughtful, respectful dog guardians.

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